Franz Bardon's Practice of Magical Evocation
This is a match-3 game where you evoke 360 spirits of the Earth zone. Depending on their characteristics, some allow you to clear out specific types of tiles, but most provide one "akasha" wildcard that can clear any tile.
The tiles must be matched horizontally. Matching more than 3 tiles yield bonus points. Visiting a spirit for the first time yields additional points as well.
Made for Ludum Dare 55 in 48 hours, entry page:
- Coding and assets made by me
- The spirit data is borrowed from website that borrowed it from Franz Bardon's work, who borrowed most of it from the Book of Abrameline, and so on...
Tools and libraries:
- JavaScript
- Gimp
- Audacity
- howler.js libarry for audio
- anime.js libarry for animations
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